
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wdy 71 (d82) fence near 16 plaster

Rain: a few droplets around 1.30pm
Visit: 2

1. C was already onsite
2. Went over design of concrete built-ins
3. Things done:
- wet area nearly fully tiled
- courtyard area floor done with 6 concrete slabs
- all floor traps inside house done
- 3 septic tanks cover done
- mini courtyard roof sides lined with metal sheet
4. Things today:
- side roof tiles brought up to roof
- cement mortar roof middle tiles while droplets of rain fell at 1.30pm
- plaster both side pillars
- break up and remove all existing concrete slab in garden
- drill deeper into fence wall near 16
- plaster near 16 side below white vases fence
- smoothen 18 side fence wall
- grill man came to measure to do lintel for folding door

1. Went over ducting with emen
2. Waited for A to arrive at 12.30pm
3. Went over the process of CCC

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