
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wrkdy 16 (d18) No site visit

Rain: Heavy-Med-Light 4.30pm to 6pm

Visit: 0

1. Did not visit site because we visit C at the office to hand over 1st claim amount at 2pm.
2. Brought up full copper wire to C and he said difficult to get full copper so we said we will get our own. C said he will then deduct the cost of the wire from his charges. I wonder how is he going to do that if the wire we buy is much more expensive than what he has factored in. We shall see.
3. Told us that they will mix the concrete and cast the back rc roof next Monday. The wooden frame has to be on for one whole week. He will add extra iron structure to the part where we are going to put the stainless steel water tank.
4. Met the man Mr.L who will be painting our whole house. He knew the previous owner and used to rent the house to store his paint (We did know about the house being used as a paint store).
5. Told C about the decision to have the plaster in between bricks to be flat and not indented.
6. Requested for a quote for full stainless steel pipes installation.

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