
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wrkdy 29 (d33) Cast front rc roof?

Rain: Drizzling ~7.30 to 9am
Visit: 1
1. 1passed by the site. No activities can be seen. Felt that there are some iworkers in the house. Tea break perhaps. Has the front rc roof been casted?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wrkdy 28 (d32) Wood structure front rc roof

Rain: Drizzling ~7 to 9am
Visit: 2

1. Saw C standing on the wooden frame for the front rc roof
2. Joined him and chat, saw iron frames on the wooden structure
3. N joined in chat
4. Only iworkers on site

1. Pass by alone, saw new sand and gravel

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wrkdy 27 (d31) No visit

Rain: Med ~5-6pm
Visit: 0

1. One called C and got the breakdown = 8x24, 2x10, 2x15, 2x44, 8 = 338 - where did the extra 2 come from? From some other roof beams not mentioned? Reset time to 3pm tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wrkdy 26 (d30) unveil back rc roof

Rain: Heavy rain ~5pm - 6pm
Visit: 1

1. One stay car, one went in. First glance - no motorbikes (was told later they were redeployed to Puchong for this day).
2. Only one iworker on site, the rest (3) went to 12th floor to buy tea.
3. Many roof beams are up - highest middle, back room, all are up with wooden frames and scaffolding for support.
4. The wooden frames supporting the back rc roof have all been removed, unveiling the concrete structure.
5. Was told that the plan is to build the wooden frames for the front rc roof and it will be cast this coming Saturday.
6. One email went to me instead but C still called one at about 4.30pm to inform about the 2nd claim. One asked about 340 and C said all around but we still couldn't get it so will ask about this again. Plan to meet up Friday afternoon. One email to the correct place again.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wrkdy 24 (d28) still cast roof beams

Rain: Heavy rain ~3.30pm to 6pm
Visit 1
1. Many columns are up now including the 9x9 for the front porch next to 18.
2. Some of them just rest on existing walls and frames without footings.
3. The back rc roof still have wooden structure below it to support it.
4. They are working to make more roof beams.
5. Was told the iworkers worked yesterday.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 27 Rest day (or not)

Rain: heavy rain ~3.30pm to 5pm
Visit: 0
as it is a rest day on Sunday.
* we were told on Monday (25 April 2011) that the iworkers did work on this day as they prefer to be earning daily wages every day so they came to work on the site and put some wood together to form some structures and made some metal frames.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wrkdy 23 (d26) cast roof beams

Rain: very light rain around 4-5pm (I think)

Visit: 1

1. C just left we were told.
2. Some wooden support at the top of the back rc roof have been removed.
3. The two concrete pillars/columns at both sides of the front wall of the house have been casted.
4. Now they are doing the steel frame for the 2 9x9 front rc porch columns.
5. And casting the roof beam alongside 18 for the parapet wall.
6. The courtyard columns have been casted and still in their wooden support frame.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wrkdy 21 (d24) casting more columns

Rain: Very heavy rain ~3.30pm to 5pm?

Visit: 1
1. They have casted more columns and still casting more columns.
2. A worker can be seen drilling the front brick wall to reveal the existing beam.
3. w gave us the water bill (0-6) and AL letter.
4. The back rc roof has been casted and the wooden frame structure is still there for support.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wrkdy 20 (d23) No visit

1. wee hours sounds like heavy downpour 3.30am to 6.30am
2. Light rain in the evening around 4pm to 5pm

Visit: 0
1. Just stay in to recuperate from the heat. Will visit site tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wrkdy 19 (d22) Cast concrete back rc roof

Rain: sudden downpour for about 15mins in the evening.
Visit: 1
1. C called at around 8.15 telling us that the back rc roof will be cast today.
2. Sp climbed up a wooden ladder and view the iron frames in the rc roof.
3. I saw workers pouring one small pail after another. Very tedious and slow. I hope that they can finish casting the whole rc roof in one day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

D20 Rest day

Rain: 0 Very bright and sunny day.
Visit: 0
Rest day for the workers

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wrkdy 17 (d19) Ground beam near 18 done

Rain: Light rain half day 8.40am to ~3pm

Visit: 1
1. C has left so we did not see him.
2. I went to the back of the house and saw a iworker on top of the wooden structure frame for the rc roof.
3. I was told:
a. Only 4 workers onsite today.
b. Ground beam near 18 is done. Ground beams for washroom are being casted.
c. Two water outlet pipes for floor trap near the garden have been laid.
d. Workers still doing the wooden structure frame for back rc roof.
e. The back rc roof will only be casted next Tue said W (not Mon as told by C).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wrkdy 16 (d18) No site visit

Rain: Heavy-Med-Light 4.30pm to 6pm

Visit: 0

1. Did not visit site because we visit C at the office to hand over 1st claim amount at 2pm.
2. Brought up full copper wire to C and he said difficult to get full copper so we said we will get our own. C said he will then deduct the cost of the wire from his charges. I wonder how is he going to do that if the wire we buy is much more expensive than what he has factored in. We shall see.
3. Told us that they will mix the concrete and cast the back rc roof next Monday. The wooden frame has to be on for one whole week. He will add extra iron structure to the part where we are going to put the stainless steel water tank.
4. Met the man Mr.L who will be painting our whole house. He knew the previous owner and used to rent the house to store his paint (We did know about the house being used as a paint store).
5. Told C about the decision to have the plaster in between bricks to be flat and not indented.
6. Requested for a quote for full stainless steel pipes installation.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wrkdy 15 (d17) Wooden frame for back rc roof

Rain: med-heavy 8.30pm to 9pm

Visit 2
1. We went there directly as we left home only at 7.40am. H arrived 20mins after we did.
2. H showed us the catalog (photocopied) for the vent block.
3. We confirmed the number of stumps (3) listed on the invoice with H.
4. I noticed:
a. 3 iworkers were removing the wooden frame from the 5 columns at the back ten.
b. Only 2 cworkers onsite.

1. Place were locked up and all workers have left for the day.
2. A wooden frame has been built at the back ten for the back rc roof with many supporting wooden beams (our previous roof truss) below it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wrkdy 14 (d16) Cast 5 concrete pillars

Rain: 0

Visit 1
1. We went there directly as we woke up at 7.35am. H arrived after we did.
2. H told us that Y called him and both of them went for a site visit yesterday afternoon. Y seems fine with the progress and only emphasized that the pillars should be hidden within the walls.
3. We confirmed the number of footings (13) with H and the places ground beams were required.
4. I noticed:
a. The iron frames for the 5 pillars at the last back ten have been put in place yesterday.
b. 4 of the iron frames have wooden structures ready for concrete to be poured in.
c. Part of 18 zink roof has been removed to accomodate on of the wooden structure of the pillar.
d. W explaining to the iworkers about how the back ten concrete roof is going to be.
5. I was told that:
a. The ground bean alongside 16 has been casted but not the ground beam alongside 18.
b. All 13 footings and stump have been done so 13x450+13x150=7800 is due.
6. From what I am told, the total length of the ground beams add up to 65x2+24x3+20+2x8=238 (x45=10710) feet and as at this morning, 138 feet has been completed so around 60% have been completed (6426).

Postnote: We received the first invoice claim in the evening. 13 footings, 13 columns but only 3 stumps. Ground beam is 226 feet.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wrkdy 13 (d15) New batch of workers

Med-heavy rain  ~6pm to 7.30pm 

Visit: 1
1. We went directly to the site as we left home at close to 8am and had to be in a slow moving bumper to bumper traffic once we exited JD.
2. H was already there when we arrived.
3. We noticed new foreign workers (4) on site cutting up plywood with an electrical circle saw.
4. We were told that the other workers were at another site to help out with concrete casting just for this day.
5. Things I noticed:
a. All the 5 holes at the last back ten have been filled up to the brim with soil.
b. A cworker was digging a trench (for ground beam of the parapet wall next to 18).

Postnote: Y and H walked through the site together in the afternoon (H told us the next day).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wrkdy 12 (d14) Did not visit the site

Med-heavy rain  ~4.30pm to 5.30pm 

Visit: 0
We did not visit the site today as we planned to visit the site early tomorrow morning.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

D13 Rest day

Med-heavy rain  ~3pm to 4.30pm 

Pass by: 1
1. The "young man with hp" did lock the gate when he left yesterday.
2. Someone contributed some unwanted vegetation to the skip.
3. It is confirmed that Sunday is a rest day for the workers.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wrkdy 11 (d12) Cast ground beam

Light rain  ~5pm to 6pm 

Visit: 2
1. 8am
a. Workers starting to arrive.
b. Got W to explain about the earth in hole. He said the hole is deep (~3feet) and the ground is hard solid so they cast a layer of concrete deep down and filled the hole with earth on top of the cast concrete. For those holes that are not deep, it will be filled with all concrete.
c. Will dig a trench in the existing bathroom for the ground beam for parapet wall and the concrete for the ground beam will fill up the void.
d. H then arrives with the "young man always on hp" and said about the same thing.

2. 5.50pm
a. Pit stop. All trenches and holes in the back ten have been filled with concrete.
b. The front gate is not closed nor locked so I went down to lock it. As I was closing the gate, a voice from underneath the temporary shed said "don't close it, I am waiting for someone to pick me up". It was the "young man always on hp" and I confirmed with him that he will lock it when he leaves.
c. The ground beam in the garden has been casted. 
d. New supply of sand and gravel.
e. Existing skip filled with earth is still there.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Workday 10 (d11) Dig ground beam

Light rain  8.30am to 9.30am 
Heavy rain ~7.30pm to 8.30pm
Visit: 2
1. 8.15am
a. One in and out like the Invisible Man. No sight of H.
b. A worker starts to break the ground in the front garden for ground beam.

2. 5.15pm
a. All workers have left.
b. Two holes for footing at the back ten near the original back wall.
c. All 5 holes in the back ten have been casted with concrete.
d. The 3 holes near the drain have earth in them covering the concrete.
e. The middle hole near the drain has bricks lined up around the iron frame for the pillar.
f. A void can be seen under the existing bathroom (cement water container).
g. Trenches for ground beam done at the back ten.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Workday 9 (d10) Dig more footing

Rain: Sporadic rain  2.40pm to 3.30pm and 8pm to 8.30pm
Visit: 1

1. More holes were dug at the two sides of the main front wall for footing.
2. Iron frames were being formed for the 3 holes at the back of the house.
3. The concrete poured into the few holes yesterday has set (dried).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Workday 8 (d9) Cast footing

Rain: Drizzle 2.50pm to 3.15pm
Visit: 2

1. 8.30am
a. The holes for the footing have been filled with water from the rain from yesterday so the workers are scooping out the water with a pail.
b. Filling up the middle hole at the back and digging a new one beside it nearer to 18.
c. stayed under tree

2. 2.05pm
a. As expected the streng never turned up although a call to y asked us to follow up with the streng.
b. No point waiting so concrete is poured into the holes with ready iron frame in them.
c. 19 and 16 talk
d. H arrived at 2.44pm
e. stayed in car

New hole in the middle of the back

Iron frame in with the iron for the stump

Pouring the concrete mix into the hole

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 8 Sand, iron, cement

Rain: Light rain around 5.30pm to maybe 6.30pm
Visit: 1

We have decided to change our visit schedule to only once per day and only during the morning at 8am since it is much cooler at that time and H is there. So from now on, I will be writing about work done the previous day.

1. Reached there at about 8.05am and saw that a new empty skip is placed outside, alongside the notice board but no workers are at site.
2. Everyone arrived. The hole exposing the clay pipe will be covered since we want windows all the way from the store room till 8 feet.
3. More holes for footing will be dug today.
4. No holes for footing will be dug at the original back wall.
5. First batch of sand, cement, gravel and iron were delivered today.
6. 6 workers onsite, 5y and 1m.
7. Got call at 1145 asking about receipt skip and to arrange for structural engineer visit. Contact direct.

Evidence of termites

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 7 Front removed and dig footing

Rain: Light rain around 7am to 8am
Visit: 2
1. 12pm
Just passed through the front. Took 2 photos while sitting in the car.
a. Skip 40 is still there.
b. The windows, main door and main door grille have been removed from the front wall.
c. The previous MBR wall has been torn down.

2. 5pm
a. New skip 28 is there.
b. Took photos of the back and front.
c. 2 holes for footing have been dug (in the middle and near 16)
d. The one near 16 is around 2 feet deep. I don't think it can go deeper to 3 feet.
e. The one in the middle has exposed two clay pipes and stopped there at 1 feet deep.
f. One square (near 18) has been marked for the footing.
g. The water supply has been disconnected to the pipes in the place and connected to a temporary tap outside the house. I hope no one helps him/herself to the water from the tap.

Reading: 36232

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 6 No visit

Rain: -
Visit: 0
We did not visit the site today because we assume that Sunday is a rest day for the workers and also for the neighbours.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 5 Back wall and tiles

Rain: very light drizzle around 6am
Visit: 1
1. 5.40pm
T took photos of front and back.
a.From the gate, we looked through the window and saw that the tiles of the toilet and bathroom have been removed.
b. The opening in the window of previous MBR (for aircon) has been nicely boarded up.
c. The whole back wall has been removed with rubble heaped up on the ground.
d. The toilet and bathroom windows, original back door and 3rd room window have been nicely boarded up.
e. The previous skip no. 40 is still there half filled.

I do not think they will work tomorrow as it is a Sunday.

Reading: 34190

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 4 knocking down walls

Rain: Medium ~4 to 6pm
Passes: 3
1. 3pm
3 workers were seen to be knocking down walls. Old MBR wall is down. Beam of old MBR is down. Beam of airwell is half down. Bathroom and toilet walls are down.

2. 5.30pm
Drizzling. The skip remover vehicle was in the driveway. Used skip (4) was covered and placed on the road outside. New skip (44) is in the porch.

3. 6.30pm
Rain stopped. Took some photos from outside. Water off.

A quaint  temporary shelter

6pm reading: 33784